... looking towards the Grand Palais Paris, France.
Can you believe it's almost the first of May?
To celebrate I've made another photo calendar for my desktop.
... Please feel free to use this image on your desktop if you would like to :)
I took this image, on a lovely hot summers day in Paris ... from a beautiful bridge that crosses over the Seine River.
Looking ahead I could see the amazing Grand Palais (my destination :)
and looking behind, I caught a distant view of the Tour Eiffel, while below a plethora of tourist boats made their way up and down the Seine River.
(I won't tell you how long I stood there admiring the view: waiting for the boats to clear, so I could get the shot below - lol - the things we do :)
... Ahhh .... Paris, je t'aime!
Wishing you all a: Wonderfully Marvelous May :)

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How gorgeous! I spent the shortest time there over 10 years ago and ache to visit Paris again :)